Fresh Vegan Doughnuts | TheVeganKind*

Imagine getting an email from one of your fave Vegan companies asking you to trial their brand new fresh Vegan doughnuts launching soon on their site (with next day delivery, may I add – so you don’t even need to leave the house)! Well, that happened to me and the wonderful people at TheVeganKind sent me two doughnuts made by a Glasgow based company called Kind Crusts.

Fresh Vegan Donut Doughnut TheVeganKinds

The hand-glazed, fresh Vegan doughnuts are launching next week on TheVeganKind website, in their online supermarket shop. In fact, a little birdy told me that these will be going live on the website as early as at 2pm on Monday 24th April. They can be ordered for next day delivery to anywhere in the UK mainland.

Fresh Vegan Donut Doughnut TheVeganKinds

Despite the doughnuts turning up a little battered from the journey, that obviously didn’t affect the flavour in any way and they were just as delicious as I hoped! Lovely sticky icing and rich soft dough… I’m not sure I’ve had a doughnut since becoming Vegan at the beginning of 2016, so they were a welcomed treat.

I was sent two different flavours: ‘Oreo Cookie Crumble’ and ‘Vanilla Rainbow Sprinkles’. (The other flavours available will be ‘Double Chocolate’ and ‘Lemon & Chia Seed’)

Fresh Vegan Donut Doughnut TheVeganKinds

My favourite of the two was definitely the ‘Oreo Cookie Crumble’ doughnut. Recently I had got a little bit sick of Oreos (due to them being one of the few well known and easily accessible Vegan biscuit), but this was just a nice sprinkling (one tenth of an Oreo, maybe?) on top of some delicious icing!

TVK also do a monthly subscription box, check out my blogs about previous boxes: TVK40 and TVK41!

Short and sweet blog for ya today, but I hope you enjoyed! Will you be ordering yourself some Vegan doughnuts? Get them from TheVeganKind website around 2pm on Monday 24th April!

Check out Kind Crusts to seer more of the food the Glasgow based company make.

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your queer, plus size, vegan pal 💜

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