Preparing your car for a road trip

As we head into summer, you might be getting ready to set off on a road trip. Whether you’re having a staycation to save money during the cost-of-living crisis or you want to explore the UK while the weather is nice(ish!), it’s important to prepare accordingly. 

Here’s how you can prepare your car for your next road trip. 

Why is it important to prepare your car before a journey?

Making sure your car is in good condition goes a long way towards preventing breakdowns and accidents. So that you don’t end up stranded with no phone signal, it’s important to take the time to prepare your care before a long journey. 

How to prepare for a road trip 

  • Check the tyres and brakes

You should make sure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure, even if you have heavy bags in the back. This will help you save money on fuel as your car will be more fuel-efficient with the tyres fully inflated. 

As well as the pressure, it’s important to check the tread depth. The legal limit for cars is 1.6mm. Any less than this and you’ll need to replace your tyre or face a heavy fine. 

At the same time, you should check your brake pads and fluid to make sure your brakes are in working order. 

  • Ensure fluid levels are adequate 

Checking and topping up essential fluids such as engine oil, coolant, brake fluid and screen wash is important if you’re going to have a smooth trip. 

Engine oil lubricates moving parts which reduces general wear and tear. It also stops your car from overheating. 

Screen wash is essential as it keeps the windscreen clean so you can see properly, even on dusty back roads. 

  • Inspect your lights and electrical systems 

Defective lights can put you and your passengers in danger as you’ll be less visible to other road users. To check your lights, ask a friend or family member to check each bulb while you turn the engine on. 

  • Test the air conditioning system 

If you’re on a long drive during the summer, air conditioning is a lifesaver. To make sure you and your passengers have a comfortable trip, it’s a good idea to have an aircon re-gas to make sure your system is functioning properly.  

  • Pack the emergency kit 

While nobody wants to think about being stuck in the middle of nowhere, sometimes accidents and breakdowns happen. That’s why you should invest in an emergency kit. 

As a bare minimum, you should keep a first aid kit, a torch, jump leads and some basic repair tools in your car. This means you’re always prepared for unexpected situations! 

Final thoughts… 

By taking these steps, you’ll be well-prepared for a safe and enjoyable road trip, ready to create lasting memories this summer. 

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