Yelp & PopUp Painting presents | Newbie & Craft Night

First of all, if you haven’t heard of Yelp, you’re missing out! It’s a website/app that you check in & review businesses on, and you get rewarded (with free events, drinks and meals) the more active you are! I thought I would write this post as I recently got an email from them saying I’m on the radar to be a member of “the elite” (sounds so fancy eh!).

I’ve been to a couple of events through Yelp and all of them have been a lot of fun – they always consist of socialising with lots of new people, discovering new places to eat & drink that I had never heard of before, and at least one free drink for checking in on the app! If you set up a Yelp profile make sure you add me – click here to be linked to my profile & we can be friends! 🙂

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When I RSVP’d for Yelp and PopUp Painting present: Newbie and Craft Night at Urban Meadows and was approved to go, I was quite excited. I’ve not been using Yelp for all that long (hence the newbie event title), but I really love the community vibe and how friendly everyone is! I think it could be a great way to meet new people in a city you’re not overly confident in & discover new places you haven’t heard of before – I wish I knew about it when I first moved up to London!

Urban Meadow, London

Prosecco & Sweet Potato Chips @ Urban Meadow, London

Prosecco & Sweet Potato Chips @ Urban Meadow, London

I hadn’t heard of Urban Meadows before, so it was a totally new to place (near Queensway tube station & just next to Hyde Park) for me to *almost* get lost trying to find. Sadly it was a dark and cold evening, so the outside photo is a bit pants, however I am sure the outside area would be very nice on a sunny afternoon!

Walking into the lovely venue, and being presented with a flute of prosecco was a particularly nice touch. I had the prosecco with a side of sweet potato fries because I just cannot resist sweet potato if I see it on a menu (guilty!) and these fries were very crispy & tasty!

For this event, Yelp teamed up with Popup Painting (who do public events, private parties and corporate team building sessions – check the website for availability!) The ‘Newbie and  Craft Night’ was basically painting pretty sunsets & London skylines whilst listening to music & drinking. It basically felt like being back at school in art class… Plus alcohol! As you can see from the picture below, I had a really great time…

Having a great time painting! Yelp & Pop Up Painting @ Urban Meadow, London

Having a great time painting! Yelp & Pop Up Painting @ Urban Meadow, London

Yelp & Pop Up Painting @ Urban Meadow, London

I went with my friend Hannah – check out our paintings! Hannah’s was particularly amazing & totally different to everyone else’s, such an arty babe!

Our paintings! Yelp & Pop Up Painting @ Urban Meadow, London

Our paintings! Yelp & Pop Up Painting @ Urban Meadow, London

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Hopefully I’ll end up at another Yelp night soon! There are a whole load of fun sounding events over the next week… But I’m currently at Manchester Airport sat on a plane, on my way to a little trip to Geneva for a little trip to the Alps for some skiing!! So unfortunately I’m missing out on the London fun, and having some snowy fun instead 🙂


2 comments so far.

2 responses to “Yelp & PopUp Painting presents | Newbie & Craft Night”

  1. Amy says:

    That’s a awesome painting 🙂 looks like you really had fun. I’ll have to look into Yelp it sounds pretty cool 🙂 x

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your queer, plus size, vegan pal 💜

a lifestyle blog, with a colourful & alternative edge... Covering: vegan & cruelty-free food / drinks / products, live music / festivals / travel (inc. adventures with mum), and self love & body confidence... to name a few.

Usually found befriending animals (especially cats)



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